Horizon Prize: Materials for Clean Airs

The contest has been launched and will run until the end of 2018. You will be able to apply from 26 January 2017 until 23 January 2018.

Rules & Guidance

Who can join the contest?
The contest will be open to any single person and legal entity or group of legal entities established in EU Member States or countries associated to Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation programme.

How will your application be evaluated?
Once the contest is closed, a high-level jury will evaluate all eligible entries against the following general award criteria:

  • Demonstrated applicability of proposed material-based solution in relevant environment (at least a working prototype);
  • Demonstrated reduction of particulate matter as specified in the rules of the contest;
  • Sustainability;
  • Affordability

Further specifications of the criteria will be provided in the detailed contest rules that will be published at the launch of the contest.

The prize will be awarded to the entry that demonstrates the best solution to the challenge whilst meeting the award criteria. The solution should be both developed by the contestant and be novel.

Read the detailed rules of the contest